citadel, coptic cairo & khan el khalili bazaar

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Deutsch
Kosten 55 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Tour Itinerary

Start day tour by pick up to old Cairo, by a private highly experienced & well-qualified tour Guide and visit the Hanging Church, Ben Ezra Synagogue & Church of St. Sergius. Then go visit The Citadel (the Fortress of Saladin), erected in 1183 with the Ottoman-style alabaster mosque of Mohammed Ali. then take your Lunch at a local restaurant. You finally go explore what may be the largest traditional shopping bazaar in the world, the Khan el-Khalili Bazaar, a buzz with activity and offering a priceless perspective on Cairo’s oriental character. Then back to Hotel


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