Abdunaby Helmy ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ägypten

I am born in Qalioubiya which is few kilometres north of cairo by the point where the river nile separates to form the nile delta. Grew up there , studied archaeology and graduated from faculty of tourism & hotel management 1993 worked since that time as a freelance tour guide for Tomas cook, Neckermann , phoenix Reisen, ITS and bucher reisen mostly based in hurghada but also guided groups all around egypt for nearly two decades, in 2005 founded the tour guides syndicate in hurghada and played as head of the hurghada tour guides syndicate from 2005 till 2011 , then ran through the general guides elections to win as the general treasurer of the general tour guides syndicate of egypt since jan.23 th 2012 . In 2009 founded the daily sun travel agency with well experienced partners which is classified by the egyptian ministry of tourism as class ( A ) license travel agency covering travel services all over egypt. Offers culture, recreation, safari, religion, diving, medical, incentive and convention trips for groups as well as for individuals

Sprachen Arabisch, Englisch, Deutsch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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