Explore10days Delightful Eco-tourism of Ghana

Sprache Englisch, Twi
Kosten 2600 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

Ghana is a nature lover's destination and its sunny equatorial climate and a very rich, well - watered soil sustain an enchanting section of wildlife, ranging from elephants to monkeys and marine turtles to crocodiles as well as hundreds of colorful bird and butterfly species. more than 5% of the country's surface area has been accorded official protection across 16 national parks.

Over the recent years Ghana has emerged as a pioneer in the field of community-based ecotourism which has the most popular tourist destinations such as the vast mole national parking the northern savanna and the forested kakum national park near the cost and many others.


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