isaac Barimah ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Benin, Togo, Ghana

I am Isaac Kwabena Barimah, Ghanaian from the Ashanti tribe of Ghana,i have lived most of part of my life in the city of Accra and will be great tour guide for you because I have been trained as a professional tour guide and worked as tour guide since 2007 till now and have had an experience with wonderful tourists from all over the world and base on their testimonies, I do believe I have what it's takes, to be your professional tour guide.

And I do know that every tour guide should love travelling as part of his life , the very moment one choose to tour guiding as profession and travelling has always been part of my life due to the kind of work I do and will love to do all the time .

I am a Expert Tour Guide and My 8 years of experience in Accra city and the other cities across Ghana has giving me the joy to meet quiet a number of visitors from across the U.S. and the world. My goal has always been to inform, educate, inspire, and entertain all customers to the best of my ability whenever they visit our great nation,Ghana and all it's glory, friendliest, and history. I am aso lucky enough to have been the number one guide since 2010 as a local knowledgeable guide in Ghana and also as an agent for many travel agencies across the U.S currently in partnership with eagle nest travel and tours in north carolina, US

Sprachen Englisch, Twi
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