Traditional Festivals tour of Ghana

Sprache Englisch, Twi
Kosten 1200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 11 Stunden

Ghana boasts of many unique ethnic groups and all these groups celebrate their uniqueness in culture at the annual festivals. These festivals are often reenactments of the past. During these celebrations, history is retold and the rich Ghanaian customs are depicted in the most colorful and unimaginable ways. These festivals bring people together and homage is paid to the custodians of the land. This tour allows you to be part of the colorful culture events of ethnic groups from across the various regions in Ghana as they celebrate culture traditions. You will work with one of our Tour Consultant to plan and schedule the festivals and the activities you would like to participate in where your schedule permits. We have included a few noteworthy festivals below that occur throughout the year that will give you an idea of what to expect. We will also take you to some of the popular tourist attraction destinations throughout the regions, so prepare yourself for joy, fun and adventure.


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