Lisbon 7 Hills

Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 150 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

The Lisbon Seven Hills Tour, will lead you to all the important historic districts, the best belvederes and and monuments.

In a full day tour with time to relax you will find what matter in Lisbon.

Early morning we will be at Belém area, is the district where the epic and glorious era of the Portuguese history in the sixteen century.

Monuments and stops for visitation: Belem, Tower, Jerónimo Monastery, Monument to the Discoveries, proof of the “Pasteis of Belém”, which have a secret recipe of 1876.

At the hill of Chiado we will stop at São Pedro de Alcantara Belvedere, San Roque Church the one with the most rich interior. Don´t miss the S. John Baptist Chapel.

At the Saint Jorge hill, we will stop to visit the Old Cathedral, Church of Santo Antonio and visit the kripta where the portuguese saint was born,

Visit to Graça district, to see the labour villas of the earlier twenty century.

Visit to Alfama and Mouraria districts where we will stop and stroll to spread the legs.

We will finish the day seeing the sunset at the best belvedere in Lisbon, “Senhora do Monte”.


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