Gerardo Atienza ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Portugal

4 years ago, i found that what i really like to do is show to others my country.

I always lived in my city Lisbon and i love to show it to my friends.

I love travel, meet nice people and make new friends. I like to talk and i will tell you everything that you want to know about Lisbon or Portugal, but i won't bored you with a lot of history. Just what you want to hear.

All my tours are Personalized, Private and Exclusive, so it will be just you and your family or friends.

You can decide where to stop and go. No stress

Portuguese license for Tourism 245/2016.

I usually use for my tours depending the dimension of the group a Fiat 500X, Mercedes Cabrio or a Mercedes Vito, all with AC.

Sprachen Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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