Paricutin Volcano Tour

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 99 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

As of February 20th 1943, the quiet green corn fields turned hot as Dionisio Pulido (the farmer) saw the smoke coming out of the ground. One month later, the ash rain was so hard in the area that destroyed homes & fields reaching over 300 kilometers around the crater. Besides the experience of riding a horse and climbing the remains of lava eruptions, enjoy the lush vegetation as you walk in the National Park in Uruapan, to find a green park with microclimate that has spring water, waterfalls and fountains. Since you are coming to the best land for avocado in the world, don´t miss the lunchtime with avocado menu! Note: Starts with 2 people in my car. It´s possible to customize this group tour to more than 3 people.


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