Alfredo Tour Guide ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Mexiko
Join me to watch millions of Monarch Butterflies, to the world heritage natural site in central Mexico, protected by UNESCO since 2008. I'm an expertise Tour Guide & driver working for the Ministry of Tourism. I have been guiding film staffs to BBC London, Discovery Channel, Mexico Desconocido, National Geographic Magazine, People & Arts & Travel TV Canada, besides journalists & travel writers like “Masa Acher” Israel, "Partiamo", "degusta com" Italy, Frommer’s, LA Times, NY Daily News & others. I'm local expert Tour Guide to Spanish learning students from all over the world. I will send you info & program in advance to travel in central Mexico. Look for me! Book me today!
Sprachen Englisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Peso (MXN)
Exkursionen (4)
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