Grand Tour of Iran

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, persisch
Kosten 1870 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Wochen

This itinerary offers a full length guided tour to Iran by going to all the major cities and archaeological sites in the North West, West, South West and Central Iran and the central desert near Kashan. You will also spend some time visiting the bustling capital city experiencing Iranian real life in Tehran.

DURATION: 28 days - 28 nights.


Tehran, Masoleh, Ardebil, Tabriz, Zanjan, Hamedan, Kermanshah, Shush, Shushtar, Choqa Zanbil, Shiraz, Persepolis, Kerman, Mahan, Rain, Yazd, Na’in, Isfahan, Kashan, Tehran.

DAY 1 - TEHRAN: Arrive in Tehran and transfer to your hotel. Then you will go to visit Golestan palace, Grand Bazaar and archeological museum in Tehran.

DAY 2 - MASOLEH: In the morning, you will drive west to explore Iran North, Caspian Sea region and visit the Village of Masoleh. On the way to the village, you will stop to see some Qazvin highlights such as Saed al Saltaneh Caravansary then drive through rain forests, rice paddies and tea fields towards Masoleh.

Overnight stay will be in this stepped mountain village.

Day 3 - Ardabil: Explore the village by yourself in the morning. Then drive to the Caspian Sea and visit Anzali lagoon. In the afternoon travel to Ardabil.


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