Darius Zare ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Iran

I am an English Translation and Iranian study graduate from Shiraz University, working as a fully licensed local Tour Guide and a freelance tour supplier with more than 21 years of experience. I’m based in Marvdasht, 35 Ks away from Shiraz and near Persepolis.

I have been working as a nation-wide Tour Guide and Travel Specialists all around Iran, either as a driver-guide taking the clients privately around the country or as a tour leader guiding coach tours of different nationalities since 2001.

Besides being a tourist guide and bus tour leader, I’m also a tour fixer and itinerary specialist. So, you can leave Iran travel arrangements such as visa application ,hotel bookings, transfers and so on to me.

I have a good command on English as my major language, as well as speaking French in an upper intermediate level. I have my own car and I can drive you around as a driver-guide as well.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, persisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Rial (IRR)

Exkursionen (9)

Touristenmeinung (1)

Giuseppe Ma
08 JUN 2022
We spent three days with Darius in June 2021 to visit Shiraz, Persepolis and the surrounding area.
Darius is a very well prepared guide, able to deepen the topics, passionate about his work. Constantly present, he fulfilled all our curiosities and requests.
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