Rome in a day - history, art, local food, and viewpoints - complete tour

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Italienisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Hi! I'm Annalisa, accredited tour guide born and bred in Roma.

During this tour, I will walk you through the historical, artistic, and natural treasures of my city and show you around the most beautiful spots in the centre!

This guided tour in Rome allows you to see the best of Rome in about 7-8 hours walk (included time for lunch and a snack). The time that can also be stretched a little bit, according to your needs and preferences. If you cannot walk too long, we can combine subway and walking.

We'll go through the historical centre observing and describing the architecture and the monuments, and looking at the most breathtaking panoramic views.

The visit features a meal's break, which you can have with or without me, however, I'll point out a few trusted restaurants, paying attention to your eating and budget preferences. There will be stops also for the most beloved cultural street food: gelato, sliced pizza and supplì, and coffee.

I will walk following your rhythm and pace and will help you, of course, taking pictures of yourself and your friends.

I speak fluent English, Mandarin Chinese, and my mother tongue is Italian...

Do not hesitate to get in touch and get further info!

I can help you arrange several day trips from Rome to other artistic towns like Florence and Naples, and simple hikes that combine nature and visits to small, picturesque historical villages that you'll love.


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