Annalisa Franceschini ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Italien

Hi there!

My name is Annalisa, Lisa for friends :)

I'm an Italian certified tour leader passionate about travels, photography, language study, and animals.

For my tours, I specialize on ROME and DAY TRIPS FROM ROME, including HIKES NEAR ROME.

I speak English and Mandarin Chinese fluently.

I'm here to guide you through the exploration of the most romantic city in Italy, however, if you need a guide on your visits to FLORENCE and NAPLES, I'd be happy to be by your side, but I need to know it well in advance.

I'll help you to understand Italian culture, food, and habits.

I can tailor-made tours on your interest and schedule and can give you all kinds of information about traveling to Italy.

Would you like to have Italian classes along with your tour?

Let's chat about it, cause I've also been teaching Italian for 10 years.

Send me a message here or to

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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