Recôncavo and Cachoeira - the African inland

Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Portugiesisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

Discover the most African region of Brazil, birthplace of Samba and Capoeira.

This tour shows you the region around the Bay of All Saints, the Recôncavo. This African inland received the first sugar cane plantations of the colony and here were put to work the first slaves, imported from black Africa. Leaving the city, we pass poor suburbs of Salvador and, later, a succession of fields for agriculture and grasslands. A whirling road passing by bamboo and sugar cane plantations takes us first to the city of Santo Amaro. Here, we visit the amazing and busy local market of and some streets and squares in the center. Then, the road takes us to the historical city of Cachoeira that lies majestically in the valley of the Paraguaçu River. Here, we do a walking tour through the picturesque streets with its old houses and churches. There will be time for lunch. In the afternoon we visit the cigar factory of Dannemann (if during the week and not on a holiday) where the famous top class cigars are still hand rolled. Then it's time to head back to Salvador by the same road on a non stop drive.

Note: the price is shown as for one person but is also valid for 2 persons. For families or small groups, please contact me so I can make an excellent proposal for you!


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