Dirk Van Kerckhove ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Brasilien

Hello! I'm Dirk, your tour guide in Salvador!

I was born in Belgium in the Flanders and live for over 25 years in Salvador, capital of Bahia, one of the most interesting, beautiful and diverse states in Brazil (situated in the region called the Northeast).

I was born in Belgium, in the Flemish part, where I grew up, studied, received my university degree as an engineer, started to work and also to travel outside the European borders. On one of those journeys, I visited Brazil, fell in love with this fabulous tropical country and it's people and decided to come and live in the magic city of Salvador, that had seduced and passionate from the first moment we met!

For over 12 years now, I'm working as a professional licensed tour guide in the state of Bahia and especially in it's capital Salvador. At the bottom of this page you can see my official guide badge emitted by the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil.

I'm an open minded world citizen, communicative, friendly, courteous, respectful and honest.

I speak fluently English, French, Dutch and Portuguese and have good notions of Spanish and German.

With all my general background, knowledge and culture, my expertise in “local” tourism and my passion for this city and state and it's people in special, I feel ready to welcome you here in Salvador and surroundings and make the best of your visit and holidays here. I'll show you the best that Salvador and Bahia have to offer to enchant their visitors.

Come and experience this magic city and fantastic state. I'm waiting for you!

Sprachen Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Portugiesisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Real (BRL)

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