Coconut Coast and Praia do Forte - the "famous" beaches

Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Portugiesisch
Kosten 224 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Discover one of the most beautiful coastlines of Brazil and the best touristic infrastructure in Bahia

This tour takes you first on sight seeing drive along the beaches of Salvador on the Atlantic Ocean. Then we take the Coconut Road in the direction of the most beautiful beaches of Bahia to the north of the city along the Coconut Coast. The road follows the coast and offers splendid views on dunes, lagoons and the Ocean itself, sovereign green and blue. Our final destination is Praia do Forte, a former fisherman village and, now, the most important touristic destination. Here you can visit the TAMAR Project that protects the five species of sea turtles that reproduce here along the coast, and see these huge and ancient reptiles just in front of you. Another possibility is to visit the old and mysterious Fort of Garcia D'Ávila, build on top of a hill with a panoramic view on the coastline. The village offers you a great choice of cosy restaurants with delicious local dishes and of tropical sunny beaches where you can get into the real Bahian mood having a caipirinha, eat grilled cheese and so much more!

Note: the price is shown as for one person but is also valid for 2 persons. For families or small groups, please contact me so I can make an excellent proposal for you!


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