Marrakech Tour Guide - Marrakech Guided City Tour

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 0 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

In this Marrakech Guided City Tour, you will get the chance to discover this impressive and magical city of Marrakech. we will show you all the Morocco Travel highlights of the city with an experienced guide who will take you to the world-famous Morocco Tour heritage sights but will not forget about the less known characteristic squares and historical buildings.

- In this Marrakech Guided City Tour, you will get the chance to discover this impressive and magical city of Marrakech. we will show you all the highlights of the city with an experienced guide who will take you to the world-famous highlights of Marrakech but will not forget about the less known characteristic squares and historical buildings. The tour starts at Medina and continues into the newer part of the city. You will see the Jemaa El Fnaa, Koutoubia and of course The Royal Palace. we will share the history of Marrakech with you, making sure that you will become familiar with this city and its culture.

We will take you to the world-famous highlights of Marrakech but will not forget about the less known characteristic squares and historical buildings. we will pick up you from your Hotel the tour starts with a visit to Marjorell Garden and continues into the old city. You will see the Bahia Palace, Saadian Tombs, Koutoubia Mosque, Jemaa El Fnaa and of course The Royal Palace. We will share the history of Marrakech with you.


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