Day trips from Marrakech | High Atlas Mountains

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 30 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 7 Stunden

grcatest mountain range of North Africa, is perhaps tne most beautiful and intriguing part of Morocco. It has rctaincd a rcmotoncss which until recent decades was virtually complete, and contains vil ages wherc the way of ifc has changed litt e for centuries. Visit Imlil, gateway to Toubkal National Pa-k Excursion from Marrakcch to Imlil Valley and visit the Berber villages of the high Atlas Mountains in ful Day trip fram Marrakcch. This full day oxcursion is intended to introduce you to the mountainous and rura valley of Imlil at the foot of the Touokal summit. Varied nature in the heart of its colorful terrace cultivation valley, The Berbers who live on the mountain slopes are used to fight hard against the harsh winter climate, their hcspitality is legenday.

-Enjoy local Berber hospitality and a traditional mint tea

-Stop to explore colorful rural markets --

- Option for a hike, a mule trek, or a Camel ride


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