Grand Tour of Tunisia

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch
Kosten 2300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche

Day 1: Arrival/transfer to hotel in Tunis

Day 2: Tunis-Dougga-kairouan

Visit the ancient city of Dougga and drive to kairouan to have a walk downtown.Spend the night in kairouan.

Day 3 : Kairouan-Tozeur

Visit the big mosque ,the water cisterns and the local saint.

Drive to TozeurSpend the night in there

Day 4: Tozeur-mountain oasis chebika and Tamerza.

Visit Tozeur oasis on a charriot and the old town.

Day 5 : Tozeur-Douz-Matmata

Drive to Douz through salt lake Chott el Jerid.continue to Douz for a walk in desert dunes on camel or quad.

continue to Matmata to visit a troglodyte house .

spend the night in Matmata.

Day 6 : Matmata- old village of Guermassa -ksar Hadada.

spend the night in Matmata.

Day 7 : Matmata-el jem-Tunis

Drive to el jem to visit the roman amphitheater.continue to Tunis.spend the night there.

End of the tour and transfer to hotel

Note: itinerary could be customized to meet personal wishes.


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