ali mouelhi ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Tunesien

  • English
  • Deutsch

My name is Ali and I am a licenced tour guide in Tunisia.I have been doing my job since 2000.I have been customising and leading tours of various types throughout Tunisia.

I can make and lead the tour you wish to do in this beautiful country.

I take pride in providing personal care of every detail necessary to ensure a memorable holiday. I look forward to helping individual travelers. I provide the following Services: Visit Tunisia: I will propose various tours depending on your interests - sightseeing, cultural or historical tours as required. I will organize your accommodation in the class of hotel that suits your budget and I will bring you to the most famous sites and most exiting views. I assure you that you will see the most interesting places, I make every effort to see that the schedule you wish to follow is adhered to and wake up times, mealtimes and every aspect of your schedule is determined by you.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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