Alexandria historical walks

Sprache Afrikaans, Englisch
Kosten 400 ZAR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

This is a walking tour in the history rich little town of Alexandria. Visiting all the historical landmarks and sites in town on foot in a two to three hour sight seeing walk. The walk will include buildings build from the 1820's onwards and the history of each building will be told. The tour will be concluded with a visit to the local Dutch Reformed Church museum which also holds a lot of items on the town's history.

The price of the tour includes:

A bottle of water

Alexandria Tours bag with goodies

a Fully qualified, knowledgeable and registered guide.

Entrance fee for the DR Church Museum




Any personal shopping

Bring along:



Walking shoes

Comfortable clothing

Light jacket

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