Shalom Budapest - Getto walking tour

Sprache Englisch, rumänisch
Kosten 110 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

With this tour I will show you a part of the Jewish heritage sites of Budapest.

My main objective is to ensure that you have an enjoyable, educational and relaxing experience. During this tour we visit the Jewish Quarter, walk through the former ghetto area, visit the largest Synagogue in Europe. The buildings and the courtyards of the Synagogue include the Jewish Museum, the Heroes’ Temple, the Jewish Cemetery and the Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Garden. We continue our walk to the Carl Lutz Memorial and then to the Rumbach synagogue. Then we walk through the Gozsdu Courtyard, stop at a small local kosher sweetshop for a Flódni and countinue to the Kazinczy Synagogue and Community Center (the orthodox section), and learn about the kosher availabilities in Hungary today.


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