Bereczky Mihály ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ungarn

My name is Mike, a licenced professional tour guide, a native Hungarian touched by Budapest, and I have a university educational background. I love my work and I am very enthusiastic to show people all the beauty of Budapest and Hungary. Let me be your private guide and discover much more with me than you would ever be able to do on your own! My tours will give all those details, you can't read in a book! If you would like to learn a lot about Budapest, and the history, the culture, the traditions and everyday life of Hungarians, the best is to come with me on a private tour and get a more in depth experience! It is always difficult to get to know a city or a country, especially if you have limited amount of time. The great advantage of hiring a private guide is that you do not have to follow anybody else's itinerary, you may just focus on what you are really interested in! I will shape the tour according to what you would like to see. If you are not sure what that is, I can make recommendations about what to include to understand the culture and the history much more.

Sprachen Englisch, ungarisch, Rumänisch
Währungen Euro (EUR), Forint (HUF)

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