Eger and Hollókő - History and tranditions

Sprache Englisch, rumänisch
Kosten 360 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

The great advantage of this tour consist in the combination of the rich and unique historical and traditional gems.

Eger is famous for its castle, cathedral, red wine, Baroque palaces and Turkish remains, including the northernmost minaret in Europe. Although the history of the castle goes back to the 11th century, it truly gained importance in the 1500s, during the Turkish era. Later the archbishop returned and the city regained its status as an ecclesiastic seat. Several beautiful buildings were built, including the Cathedral, the Lyceum, the Minorite Church and many more.

After Eger we take a ride to Hollókő, a village frozen in time. The original village was in existence from as early as the fourteenth century. Its present form only dates back to the early twentieth century as the previously was destroyed by fire. Since 1987, with over 50 traditional houses Hollókő is listed in UNESCO site due to it being "an outstanding example of a deliberately preserved traditional settlement", including The Village Museum, Post Office Museum, Country House, Doll Museum, The Weaving House, Woodcarver Exhibition, and much more.


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