Taste of Budapest - Cultural and culinary tour with market, coffee houses, etc.

Sprache Englisch, rumänisch
Kosten 170 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Although this tour is focusing on culinary, you will also have the chance to explore the beautiful sights of Budapest. If you get tired of the ordinary tours come for an easy sightseeing with a lot of culinary experience. First a look to into our market, then a lunch, finally a coffee. “The history of Hungarian cuisine is not else then the acceptance of the good ideas, combinations, and incorporating dominances of a nutritional evolution.” – Unger Carol. This teaches us that we should not overestimate the modern cooking methods, and the old dishes should not be underestimated, because they both contain traces of a healthy diet. Experiencing the Hungarian food and wine and coffee culture is the best way to learn about our culture and traditions.


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