Paldiski - secret city in Soviet time

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 500 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Paldiski is only 50 km from Tallinn, but in Soviet time it didn't exist on the maps.

First, we'll visit the Klooga Holocaust Memorial and discover what happened in the concentration camp over there in September 1944. We'll continue to Paldiski, a seaport city that Russian Tsar Peter the Great chose as his naval base and started to build a sea fortress to at the same time as he initiated the construction of Kadriorg Palace in Tallinn. We'll find out what remains of the former grandeur.

Paldiski was also the starting point of the so-called Orange Railway to St Petersburg, and we'll have a chance to admire the wooden railway station that still remains.

We will hike 3.5 km along the Paldiski bank and you will learn why this bank has a special place in the heart of each and every Estonian. We will climb to the top of the highest lighthouse in Estonia.

Returning to Paldiski city, we'll visit the studio museum of sculptor Amandus Adamson, who, among many other monuments, created the Russalka Monument.

During the Soviet era, Paldiski was a secret closed military town that didn't exist on the maps, and during our tour, you'll find out what was the reason and what took place over there.

PS. Tour price depends on how many people and which transportation we use.


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