Age Ploom ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Estland


my name is Age. I have a travel company in Tallinn, Estonia and I'm a tour guide. I really love to be smart, beautiful, and know everything, and if I don't know, give me a second and I find out. 😉

Right now is Christmas time, so l do Christmas tours with elf Noel and both of us we know every Christmas tradition started from our an amazingly beautiful medieval city. 🧑‍🎄🎄

Also, I can mention I have most of our museum's licenses, and these museums are not boring at all.

And also I really love hiking and we have many hiking roads in our nature.

I have studied Theology and I made MA in Christian History and I have given lectures about Islam.

Probably you already understand Estonia, Tallinn and me, waiting for you. So see you here.

Sprachen Englisch, estnisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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