Old Tbilisi City Walking Tour (Polyethnicity, Main Facts and Faces) throughout centuries)

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 50 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

During this tour, we will get acquainted, be walking in the winding narrow streets of the Old part of Tbilisi. We will explore religious and secular architecture. Here you will find churches, synagogues, mosque as well as famous 19th-century houses with wooden balconies. Visit sulfur baths part and enjoy the superb panoramic views of the Old City. I will tell you amazing stories from real-life of our predecessors who lived in this city just two centuries ago and tell you about rare professions of past times, unheard traditions of the Caucasus and most prominent people of past who made Georgian Nationality survive, who built first Georgian Universities and promoted literacy and education also among women.. This intro tour will make you think about Georgia every day and you will want to come back and listen something more about this small paradise on earth, the craddle of wine, the land of indeed delicious food. ..


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