Ana Ani ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Georgien

GAMARJOBA, dear friend (Greeting in Georgian)! I'm Anna, a certified guide, born and bred in Tbilisi. I also work part-time as a translator.

I can offer you amazing itineraries, Tbilisi and Mtskheta city tours (20 from the capital) and show you other fascinating places in the neighborhood, such as cave towns, waterfalls and canyons! If you are a couple or a family with kids or a small group of friends (up to 6 people).

Learning the history and curious facts about Georgia will be fun!

If you travel to Georgia, Tbilisi and keep in touch with me, be sure I will help you to show must-see places. Contact your responsible guide now. Have a great trip ahead! Kind regards,


Sprachen Englisch, Russisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Pfund (GBP)

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