Cape Town at night: a feast of sparkling lights

Sprache Englisch, Italienisch
Kosten 1200 ZAR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Stunden

Experience Cape Town, the Mother City, at night when she’s dressed up for the evening and ready to impress you. The nocturnal views are unique and change every evening. The tour starts with pick up at 9.00 pm at your accommodation and ends at 11.00 pm.

Starting from the Cable Car station you will see unforgettable nighttime views of the city center and the suburban skyline. From there we continue to Signal Hill for a panoramic view of the iconic 11 km long Sea Point promenade. You will be in awe of the exciting and romantic silhouettes of the mountains that fall precipitously over the illuminated city and softly line the Atlantic Ocean. The next stop will be the vibrant district of Camps Bay by night with its famous bars and restaurants, complete with a walk by the beach.

The evening will continue with a drive along the 11 km Sea Point promenade where you will be able to hear the sounds of the waves breaking on the white beaches. The road continues to the V&A Waterfront where the tour will end with a short walk to the new Silo district. You will have the drive back to your accommodation to think about the incredible evening you’ve just experienced.


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