Antonio Carpanese ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südafrika

  • English
  • Deutsch
  • Italiano

Born and educated in Italy, after studying languages and economics, I left my country and moved to improve my English language knowledge and embrace a hospitality career.

After 23 years of hospitality in London & Cape Town, in 2019 I decided to leave the hotel industry. I created my travel company EurAfric and I qualified as a Tour Guide. My new role gave me a huge opportunity to travel extensively both as a Tour Guide and an Interpreter for Italian groups in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.

My deep love for South Africa pushes me to constantly study and deepen my knowledge about the country, nature and its people. As a guide, my aim is to make you fall in love with South Africa and my goal is to transmit my passion for this country to you.

Let me guide you through the marvelous treasures of the Cape & lets embrace together the rich history, culture & architecture. Welcome to my page: I am a passionate and informative Italian Guide who will inspire you through our rich culture and diversity.

Born and educated in Italy, after studying languages and economics, I left my country and moved to improve my English language knowledge and embrace a hospitality career.

After 14 years of hospitality, in 2019, I decided to leave the hotel industry. After creating my travel company Eurafric I qualified as a Tour Guide and started travelling continuously to learn about Africa and South Africa. I have travelled extensively as a Tour Guide and an Interpreter for Italian groups in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.

My deep love for South Africa pushes me to constantly study and look for information to deepen my knowledge about the country, nature and its people. As a guide, I aim to make you fall in love with South Africa and transmit my passion for this country to you.

Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Rand (ZAR)

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