Green tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 190 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Tour starts from new and modern style park – Dendrological Park in Shekvetili Area. It distinguished by its giant trees and the most beautiful birds. You are walking in the nature and can’t fill what happen outside. Walking deep in the nature and imagine yourself in paradise. You can visit Virgoes, Ciconias, Phoenicopterus roseus and ruber too, Cignup atratus, etc.

Then we will visit Musicians Park, where are famous singers, actors, composers monuments with there famous songs. You are walking in the nature and at the same time you are listening to popular musics. You have to enjoy for that and its enough for happiness.

Then we will go to the MtiralaNational Park which distinguished by popular nature views, cleaning water and pure air. Just have to breathe there. Main aim of the park is to save Colchian Forest. This area distinguished by the amount of precipitation. And it is why we call it MTIRALA-“the crier”. During a year many days are rainy there.

for lunch we will visit fish restaurant


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