Margalita Kokobinadze ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Georgien

to be a GUIDE in your country, it is the best, what you can to do ever.

Everything started several years ago. I live in the village which today is very popular by its waterfall and arched stone bridge from 12th century. Every day I was looking how many tourists gathered in my village. So, one day, I decided became a guide. And I did it.

I became certified guide and started adventure days in my village. It was amazing.

Today, I have a years of experiences and still work as guide.

Trips with me promise you more amazing days, adventure and full of surprises.

I love visit and discover different places, then show to others too.

Discover all of secrets of Georgia's beauty and be the part of history.

Everything is possible if is the DESIRE.

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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