City tour in Batumi

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 55 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

Tour starts from a modern Cable Care. Its is about 250 m length way going to the mountain, from where visitors can see the best views of Batumi city.

Then we will move to Port, from where it is easy to go abroud or come in the city.

Next location is a Wondeland Square. It is very beautiful and very interesting place. During a war of Ottomans and Russia, main point were here. There are many beautiful locations such as monument of “Ali and Nino” the example of true love.

Then we will move to the Old Boulevard, which was made by Michael D’Alphons from 1881.

During a trip we will reach to the most visitable place – Dolphinarium. There are dolphin’s how where you can enjoy with your children or friend.

Next to the dolphinarium there are central garden which is distinguished by a lake and zoo. In the middle of the city it is the most green place ever.

Batumi is not full area without old parts. Old territories were muse of different writters or poets. And of course, it is distinguished by Europian and Piazza squares.


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