Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

For people who want to try something different and have the best experience. We can go wherever you want in lima , like barranco, miraflores , lima downtown or i can even take you out of the city , so we can have best peruvians food in the highway. I also took passengers in a 4 hours trip to paracas and huacachina , these places are pure gold and its so close (only 4 hours approx from lima) , so we can go for a full day or if you want to go for a full experience, we can stay longer , its up to u.

So get ready and send me a message

The price for the tour with my bike is a high cc 765 cilinder. So it depends on where you want to go and do, send me a text and we'll work on a price.


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