christian bustamante romero ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Peru



Come and visit peru in a different way . Im a local guide who know the most outstanding places to experience. Other agencies just want to sell their product and make money from you. Its more important for me you get the best view of peru

Ive been working for many years in tourism , so I know key places where not so many people know . Most of my groups have traveled with me to all the south of Peru like the WONDERFUL huacachina ( only oasis in Latin America) , Arequipa for the Colca canyon , Puno for the Titicaca lake or the greatest city CUSCO to see not only Machu Picchu , if not so many other things . In case you are in LIMA , it’s the best place to try our TRADITION food. You know peru have won the 1st for having the best restaurant IN THE WORLD In 2023. I can even share you photos with my friends and you can also go to trip advisor , search for peru hop. I’ve got many mentions by doing my best job and giving the unforgettable experience.

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