Shopping in Bodrum

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

The leather industry in Turkey needs no introduction because of its rich leather heritage. Turkish leather has a legacy of hundreds of years and has been flourishing since then. Today, Turkey is one of the biggest producers of high quality leather products in the world. It is mainly known for processing sheep and goat leather, which takes it to the second position in Europe after Italy.

Leather products have always been considered as one of the most outstanding items in the world. The leather industry in Turkey outshines the others because of its unique quality of the raw materials and its production process. The processing procedures are very difficult and require great care, time and labor to obtain a suitable material, from the raw animal skin to produce leather products like clothing, shoes and other goods.

Jewellery has a centuries-old history in Turkey and appeared about 5000 years ago. Today, Turkish jewellery industry reflects this rich cultural heritage combined with the latest technology production and extraordinary design. Jewellery is one of the leaders of the market in Mediterranean region


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