Suat Akay ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Türkei

All around Turkey





All year around l am avaible in all those countries . I live in agean coast town Bodrum. For Morocco -Coratia and Montenegro we also have a local guide . I am guiding for 24 years and for 4 years l worked in Morocco. 2 weeks notice for the countries of Morocco and Coratia . Minimum 7 days tours

For Turkey daily or weekly tours are possible. Driving and guiding alao possible..

Coast of Bodrum Gulet cruise can also be combined with historical sites. Such as Knidos Hallicarnassos and Stratonicea. Scuba diving can also be good around Bodrum reefs.

Walking tours on Lycian route and Leleg route

Sprachen Englisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Dirham (MAD), 2005–2008 „Neue Lira“ (TRY)

Exkursionen (14)

Touristenmeinung (1)

frank almeida
16 APR 2023
The best!
We toured with Suat for 2 days in Istanbul.
We had an itenerary that would take most people 3-4 days to do. He was great.
Incredibly knowledgeable every where we went. His english is excellent and his love of history is infectous.
I can't imagine what our trip to Istanbul would have been like without him.
We have traveled many places with many guides, Suat ranks as the best.
Frank Almeida, USA
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