Private tour to Ephesus everyday from Bodrum or Kuşadası

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 439 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Ephesus Private Tour from Bodrum starts with pick up from your hotel in Bodrum city centre or Bodrum Airport. 

It is possible to add extra places to visit around Ephesus to this tour such as the Terrace Houses, The House of Virgin Mary, The Basilica of St John, Sirince, Ephesus Museum and the Temple of Artemis.

First select the date, time, pick up place and the number of people then on the second page you will see a list of extra places that you can include to visit. Adding extras extends the duration and the price of the tour. 

Prices of this private tour decreases according to the number of people you have in your group. Maximum per person price is for 1 adult and minimum per person price is for 20 adults.

This tour includes complimentary Standard Lunch which is followed by a cultural demonstration at the handcraft centre. 


Tour Include

Private transportation with pick up and drop off in Bodrum City Centre or Bodrum Airport, private English speaking local tour guide, Parking Fees


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