Religious tour around Uzbekistan

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 60 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 12 Stunden

On 9th of November, with the tour program of me, traveller from Bangladesh was able to grap a chance to visit holy burial spots of Buzurgs, Avliyos, Pirs, Sufies, spiritual mentors of Islam relion in Uzbekistan. 6 days Tour began from Tashkent, ended in Bukhara where more than 300 religious scientists who carried top title of Islam. Each tomb is beautifully designed and decorated.

He says whenever he visit holy tombs he feels energized and released from world pressures.

I wish Mr Zahid to stay always beloved follower of allah wherever he is.

Take part in the lifestyle of Bukharian people and dive into ancient spots with my companionship.


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