MUROD SAIDMURODOV ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Usbekistan

Hi, I am local Guide in Bukhara. If You are looking for handsome, humorous, tactful, responsible, generous, english speaking Guide, then You are welcome. I do my best, so that Your tour in Bukhara will be one of the most memoriable, loveable, marvelous travels in Uzbekistan. Besides, i can organize religious or usual tour packages for you around Uzbekistan according to your preferences. With the help of this tour program package, your trip will be more precise and meaningful. Trust your tour to experienced guide who knows when, how, why, what is better for you.

Enjoy every single moment of your leisure time.

You can contact me directly:

on gmail:

By call: +99899 456 66 99

Sprachen Englisch, Deutsch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR)

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