Bandarban Private Tour

Sprache Bengali, Englisch, hindi, Urdu
Kosten 760 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Explore the only Hill District of Bangladesh

Bandarban is a district in South-Eastern Bangladesh and a part of the Chittagong Division. It is one of the three hill districts of Bangladesh and a part of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the others being Rangamati District and Khagrachhari District. Bandarban district (4, 479 km2) is not only the most remote district of the country but also the least populous (population 388, 000). The lure of the tallest peaks of Bangladesh treks through virgin forests and the chance to meet more than 15 tribes of the region up close is growing among tourists from around the world. Bandarban has only one town that approaches anything near a city - the Bandarban town. The rest of the area is divided into 7 Upazilas, which are in turn divided into varying numbers of unions. Each union is a cluster of paras and villages. On this trip, the main key attractions in Bandarban are Nilachal, Meghla, Golden Temple, Nilgiri, Shoilopropat, Chimbuk Hills, etc.


Day 01: Overnight Journey

Pick you up from your place and Departure Dhaka for Bandarban by bus at 22. 30 hrs. Overnight Bus journey.

Day 02: Sightseeing of Bandarban

Arrive Bandarban 07. 30 hrs transfer to hotel. After Lunch start for visit-Nilachal, Meghla, Golden Temple by Jeep. Over night at Bandarban.

Day 03: Bandarban Tour

Early Morning After breakfast start sightseeing at Nilgiri, Shoilopropat, Chimbuk Hills back to hotel, Evening time free for own activates & Shopping . Overnight at Bandarban.

Day 04: Leave for Dhaka

After breakfast check out at hotel then transfer to bus counter for Dhaka.


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