Jews and Gentiles in Barcelona

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 160 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Stunden

Barcelona is steeped in Jewish history. Join me on this private tour and travel back to medieval times. Uncover the secret of Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter and the Jewish district within. Plus check out some more of the city’s must-see spots, enjoy an experience that you will remember forever...

*Want to learn all about Barcelona’s Jewish heritage? Step into the past and visit the city’s must-see Jewish spots. From Spain’s oldest synagogue to ancient Hebrew tombstones and churches. Explore the winding streets of the Gothic Quarter and check out some of the city’s most noteworthy architecture.

I'll take you to the Jewish district “El Call” and is located in the middle of this maze. It starts at the northwestern corner of the Plaça Sant Jaume. While Barcelona was never the largest Jewish center in Spain, it did play a large role in the history of Jews in Spain. Long before the expulsion of the Jews in 1492, Jewish culture flourished throughout the Iberian Peninsula.

The piece de resistance of our tour is the Major Synagogue, one of the oldest in Europe. This must-see building is steeped in history. With Roman foundations that date back to the 6th century, this is truly a sight not to be missed!

During this walking tour, you will discover this area’s highlights. I’ll point out the best examples of gothic architecture and historical hotspots. If there is anything else that you are desperate to see let me know and I will adjust the route to suit you.

Doesn't include tickets to the Synagogue (5euros), because it isn't open all the time after COVID

Children under 9 years old are free.


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