Argelia Urdaneta Mata ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Spanien

Fully Covid Vaccinated. I'm a fashionable peculiar human being that happens to be such a good playful guide, who is in love with her city and handles children very well. . . Why do I enjoy living here so much? Just, let me show you around, come to enjoy unique places and interesting stories that you will discover with me, and you will have beautiful memories for a lifetime.

I studied architecture at the UCV in Caracas, Management and Design in Parson New York, and finally, fashion at the Llotja Barcelona, to which devoted myself for several years working in Spain, Italy, and Japan, because I always liked to hear stories and history. It was natural to discover that telling them is even better, so I started to research about culture, fashion, architecture, traditions, etc. and became a story-teller for everybody who wants to listen to it.

Sprachen katalanisch, Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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