Interlaken private tour - Cheese & Chocolate

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Kosten 1500 CHF für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Visit the famous Gruyere Cheese and the Cailler chocolate factory and taste the Swiss favourites Sweets. Stroll around at the carfree old town of Gruyere and discover the Capital Berne – a Unesco World Heritage city.


We leave Interlaken in the morning. On our way to the French part of Switzerland we stop at Berne for one hour. Berne is the capital. This Unesco World Heritage city invites has a great medieval town and a charming ambiance. We’ll visit the parliaments house, clock tower and optional the bear park before we continue to Gruyère.

Our second stop is the Gruyère cheese factory. Discover the famous Swiss cheese at this interactive cheese factory and see how cheese is made. Afterwards we’ll visit Gruyère medieval town. We stroll around this charming tourist town, visit some view points and if you like go for a short walk. If you like enjoy a traditional Swiss cheese lunch before we visit the bar of HR Giger – the Aliendesigner of Hollywood. in this futuristic coffee bar, located in the castle walls of the 14th century you’ll enjoy the traditional local dessert of Gruyère: Meringues with double cream.

In the afternoon we’ll taste the Swiss favourites Sweets at the Maison Cailler. Experience the world of chocolate, get to know the secret and its history and sample some of the best pralines at this chocolate house.

Enjoy a scenic drive over the mountain pass and through the beautiful Simmental valley on our way home. We stop at various view points where you’ll marvel at cow paddocks, charming chalets and beautiful landscape.

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