Sibylle Staehelin ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Schweiz

My name is Sibylle Staehelin, your private Swiss guide. I was born and raised in Interlaken. Travelling is one of my many passions, therefore I love to see the world, meet new people and last but not least get in touch with new religions and cultures and see the beauty of the world. As much as I love travelling, I am always pleased to come back home to Switzerland. Interlaken is my home, the Jungfrau Region my little paradise.

With Pure Switzerland a dream has come true. It is my goal to provide our guests not only the classic Swiss excursion. but to be able furthermore to show you the real Switzerland, the original Swiss life away from mass Tourism. I am pleased to introduce our guests to Swiss traditions, customs. I explain you the small differences in our culture and mentality and create you therefore a unique tour.

I also operate as Tour Leader only for luxury tours where I act as your personal Swiss tour assistant and leader and driver & guide. All in one. I check your hotel bookings, book your unique dinner location, organize your individual needs. Furthermore I create you a customised tour with the moste personal service and highest flexibility according your desiires s your personal Swiss asistant make everything possible to fulfill your little Swiss dreams and create you an unforgettable vacation.

Are you looking for a special tour – for the extra something?

I am happy to be your multilingual, private Swiss tour creator, tour leader and guide. I am dedicated to hospitality

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Schweizer Franken (CHF)

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