Interlaken private tour - Discover the Jungfrau region

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Kosten 1150 CHF für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Interlaken and the Jungfrau region offers it all: stunning mountains, marvellous landscapes, picturesque lakes, stunning gorges, charming villages, historical castles, traditional Swiss events, digital detox on hidden alps with barbeque.

Together we create an itinerary according your desires. whether you are interested in the top sightseeing places, the hidden alps or the film locations of Crash landing on you: Interlaken & the Jungfrau regions offers something to everyone and Sibylle s pleased to create you a customized itinerary.

Example of Interlaken tour.

Interlaken a paradise tour leads you to the incredible Lauterbrunnen valley – the valley of 72 waterfalls and inspiration for lord of the Rings. In Lauterbrunnen there are the Trümmelbachfalls to be visited from April to October.From Lauterbrunnen we take the cable car up to Mürren where you get spectacular views of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau.

Next stop is the picturesque lake of Brienz. Visit Iseltwald village which has become famous as part of the film “Crash landing on you” was made here.

From there it is a short ride to Giessbach falls (an other film location of Crash landing on you) . Discover the 14 chutes and the historical grand hotel and marvel at the fabulous view over the waterfall and the lake.

We enjoy a scenic drive through Brienz and along the lake back to Interlaken. Back in town we’ll stroll around the old town of Unterseen and the busy tourist street of Interlaken.

Furthermore get in touch with our customs and culture and if you travel with children there are some great kids playgrounds and an alpine zoo which can be included in the tour.

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