Sprache Englisch, hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi, Pushto, Urdu
Kosten 36 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

Hello Guests!

I am Hannan. I have made a Best City Tour on the most Famous Points of the City to explain history, architecture, culture and lifestyle of Kyrgyzstan. Our Excursion will start from Paramount of Kyrgyz Flag at Ala-too Square and we will end on same location which is known as Bishkek city center. Here I mention Famous points which we will Visit.

-Ala Too Square

-Paramount Kyrgyz Republic Flag

-Manas Statue

-Ala-Too Movie Theater

-Zero kilometers

-Kurmanzhan Datka Statue

-Opera and Ballet theater

-Victory square


-National Museum of Fine Arts

-Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Monument

-Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

-Vladimir Lenin Statue

-National Academic Drama Theatre

-Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament)

-Stele of Friendship of Peoples

I hope You will get your Best Experience.

Feel Free to Contact me Anytime !



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