Alex Parker ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Kirgisistan

I am Alex , Graphic Designer and A Guide, for Your Cool Tour to Kyrgyzstan. I am here for the last 3 years and admired for knowing Kyrgyz History, Kyrgyz Culture, festivals, USSR Times and Architecture of Buildings.

My Experience with making the best memories with Visitors is so far amazing.

So, usually I help everyone to make a nice plan either you have short time or big tour to visit all over the country.

As a Guide, I aim to give the best comfort to tourists and Guests by pleasing them with Friendly talks and random discussions to understand the best parts of the country.

Thank you!

Sprachen Englisch, hindi, Pushto, Urdu
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Som (KGS), Pfund (GBP)

Exkursionen (12)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Anjaiah Thadishetty
30 AUG 2023
We had fantastic Walking Tour in Bishkek and also Day Tour to Ala Archa National Park, Alex is very professional, a Seasoned professional with a deep passion for local history and culture., His extensive knowledge of the area's landmarks, hidden gems, and anecdotes will captivate your curiosity.
DrOlga Sue
24 DEZ 2023
We Spend 5 days Tour and Made our Best Memories with very handsome and cool Guide Alex. Firstly, the Vehicle was really Convenient, and he stopped wherever we wanted to buy something. He was really concerned about all of our Group. We were having fun in all spots, and he showed us breathtaking natural spots all around Issyk Kul Lake and even we had best timings on each place. I would Highly RECOMMEND YOU Feel Comfortable and Make your Plan with him. Thank you so much Alex for showing us The Switzerland of Central Asia Kyrgyzstan. Wish you best future ahead.
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