Explore Alexandria on a Day Tour From Cairo

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Experience the splendor of Alexandria, the Mediterranean's celebrated city, on our day tour. Founded by Alexander the Great and a significant capital during the Ptolemaic era, it became a beacon of learning in the ancient world.

Our journey will take us to iconic sites like the Pompey Pillar, Egypt's tallest memorial, the Serapeum of Alexandria, and the remnants of the smaller Alexandria Library. Explore the enigmatic Catacombs of Kom Al-Shoqafa, once a burial place for Egypt's middle class and nobles.

In the afternoon, discover the majestic Citadel of Qitbay, a fortress on the Mediterranean's shores, erected by the Mamluks in the location of the famous lighthouse.

For a delightful culinary experience, you have the option of dining at a seafood restaurant.


pick-up between 05:00 and 06:00 a.m., and a 3-hour drive to Alexandria


• Explore The Great Temple, Pompey Pillar, and the smaller Alexandria library.

• Venture into the enigmatic Catacombs of Kom Al-Shoqafa.

• Discover the Citadel of Sultan Qaitbay and the Mosque of Sufi Saint Morsi Abu al-Abbas (please dress modestly to enter).

For a delightful culinary experience, you have the option of enjoying lunch.

Afterward, a 3-hour drive back to Cairo.

- Includes Me as Your guide and a vehicle with a dedicated driver.

- Excludes: Entrance fees, Meals, Personal Expenses

Please note that all of my tour itineraries, including this one, can be tailored, expanded, or shortened to • accommodate your specific interests or group size upon request.


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